Marketing Strategies

If you decide to enter into the marketing of articles, you should be prepared to work. Most people have the erroneous impression that the overnight success can be achieved. Online marketing requires a solid strategy to work. If staying concentrated, coherent and put the necessary effort every day, at the end you will be rewarded with a business that must withstand over time. This will cause you might get the results that you want a great visibility and first places in search engines, and hundreds and thousands of targeted traffic. In this article you can learn more about some strategies that you can employ to make your marketing efforts for a time very long.

One of the most popular strategies used by expert sellers of articles is to keep short articles. Back they have been days you need articles of thousand words to the attention of readers. The key is to keep your articles concise. Reduce the number of words without compromising the quality of information that you provide to us. come to the same conclusion. Provide the answer they are looking for your readers, without boring long paragraphs, only pointing to the same solution.

Another thing to keep in mind is to submit your articles to directories of larger items. Choose at least 10 directories of articles and send them. In this way make sure you’ll get the job done while you sit and expect your traffic grows and you better positions in the major search engines.

Communist Party

1958, November 1914: Resignation Larrazabal (to meet his campaign) and took the Chair Edgar Sanabria. 1958, November 1928: Elections won by Romulo Betancourt. 1959, February 13: Assumption of Romulo Betancourt as President of the Republic, forming the government with AD, URD, COPEI and independent, according to the spirit of the Pact of Punto Fijo, leaving out the Communist Party, as stated above. and gain more knowledge.. The great scam: national disappointment and chaos 1960, August: Venezuela's foreign minister refuses to vote against Cuba in the OAS, in contravention of the policy he had taken anti Betancourt. And by the way, there be noted that from the outset the efforts of Betancourt to deny the role played by the Communist Party in the fall of MPJ led to confrontations with various sectors of national life, especially URD and his own ruling party, which finished dividing (Movement National Left, MIR). Its agreement with the anti-American policy, especially committed against the Cuban Revolution, earned him a severe crisis in national unity, opening doors to political unrest, subversion and the subsequent military action. The backdrop of the crisis was unemployment, marginalization, educational and healthcare problems. 1960, June 24: the attack occurs during the commemoration of the Battle of Carabobo, attributed to supporters of MPJ or left.

1960, November 28: The government suspends constitutional guarantees. At that time also involved the Central University, closing opposition newspapers, paves the PCV, the MIR and their respective parliaments. It breaks with Cuba. So begins its work of government now called Fourth Republic, a name that seeks to highlight the exclusion of Punto Fijo and periods of representative democracy, but as historians agree, began in 1830 with the secession of Venezuela Gran Colombia.

First Floating Centre

Waiting has the wellness scene in Bern. Finally, the Central Switzerland has an own floating Centre. Unrivalled in the facilities with floating machines of the latest generation. Bern, June 29, 2010 – on July 1 opened in Bern the first floating Centre. Under the direction of Walter Bache, the therapeutic Manager and owner and Steve Hildebrandt, the commercial Director of the company, the zero gravity finds its way in the Switzerland. Floating is a subject that is booming in Germany and Austria for years.

Floating is a medical application of highly saturated salt baths – so-called heavy brines – be used in principle. Much like in the dead sea, only more intense, it is completely weightless. A unique feeling. Due to the special construction of the baths it is possible, even for the uninitiated, very quickly to reach a State of deep relaxation. Unlike in meditation and autogenic training, there is here no exercise, the relaxation will almost automatically.

This makes Floating as a medical application to the event, or even a gift. Without side effects, and with very few restrictions virtually everyone in the enjoyment of the floating can come. True to the motto: “which can also float who can go into the sauna,”. Therefore, floating is the leading event agencies in the German-speaking area for about two years on the courses of one to five. Floating is also used for various diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Bones, muscles and joints take advantage not only of the weightlessness, but also by the special salt (magnesium sulphate), which is used in the float. Skin diseases such as psoriasis or eczema experience considerable relief because of the high salt content. See for more medical backgrounds. Thanks to the enormous versatility of the floating, the boom in Europe continues for years. Medicine, which regenerates physical and mental performance, and also increases, is increasingly becoming the necessity and can make it even much fun. “What is special about our Floating Center especially, “says Walter Bache, Managing Director of FloatConcept Berne,” that we provide the ability to float, in the tank as well as two swimming pool open in a beautiful.” The joy over the upcoming opening is it clear to see! The Centre will be open from Monday to Sunday from 10 am to 10 pm. Description of the company the company FloatConcept specialises in all areas around the subject of floating. The company operates centers in Erding near Munich and Berne in the Switzerland therapeutic floating. Our team of experts, that is composed of physicians and Spa designers, founders also supported in all phases of planning.


Saez Office systems certified Saez Office systems from Munich has been certified as MDS master in September 2010 by Ricoh Germany, one of the leading providers of solutions for modern office communication and company-wide printing and document management as a managed document services-master. The first resellers from Ricoh in southern Bavaria which has been certified as MDS master is Saez Office systems. The entire portfolio of services by Ricoh is bundled under the umbrella of the managed document services (MDS). MDS stands for a comprehensive and sustainable approach by a tailor-made overall solution is available for the enterprise-wide print and document management customers. With an extensive program of training employees of Saez’s Office systems were prepared by Ricoh on the marketing MDS. Details can be found by clicking celebrity trainer or emailing the administrator. By MDS, we can offer our customers from the region a unique value. Particularly in the areas of analysis, consultancy and solution development we are the official certification and the new knowledge will benefit. Cindy Crawford has much to offer in this field. For the future we are now ideally positioned as a company”, says Richard Schottl, Managing Director of Saez’s Office systems.

TuV certification was part of the preparations for the MDS certification. The TuV-certificate and the seal of approval for consulting and service quality in the Office communication”to get the dealer has undergone a comprehensive audit. The examination focused advice and service orientation of Saez’s Office systems. The TuV standard consulting and service quality in the Office communication”was developed by the TuV Nord and Ricoh Germany. Specially designed for resellers, it defines requirements for a quality management system: it ensures that quality and customer orientation, are systematically checked and continuously improved especially in the areas of consulting and technical services at any certified dealer.

The focus is always customer satisfaction. In addition to the Audit by the print House must face each a so-called surveillance audit in the next two years. This ensures that the requirements of the TuV standards are implemented in the long term and meets. Every three years a renewed audit must complete Saez Office systems, which in turn annual surveillance audits follow. In the future, we provided each year to the test. Our goal is to improve ourselves continuously. The regular audits by external specialists help us. Our customers and we as a company will benefit from very”explained Saez. Ricoh in the short profile of the Ricoh Germany GmbH with its headquarters in Hannover, Germany is a leading solution provider for digital office communication, production printing and company-wide printing and document management. The portfolio includes hardware and software solutions, production printing solutions, professional services and support services and industry-related business consulting (office consulting services) with the aim of the cost and process optimization. Ricoh Germany is a subsidiary of the Japanese player Ricoh Global. Ricoh has around 108.500 employees and an annual turnover of US $ 21 billion (stand: March 2010) a leading provider of digital office communication and production printing. In Germany, has a Ricoh approximately 2,400 employees and is represented in addition to its main management nationwide with ten business & service centers and five sales offices.

Processing Shapes

With MicroStep tube cutting systems thanks to latest technology can be complicated shapes with MicroStep tube cutting systems can edited thanks to latest technology complicated shapes and components, such as elbows, tube bends or pipe elbows. The CNC machine manufacturer MicroStep produces modern pipe cutting machines and pipe cutter, to ensure the greatest possible flexibility in the design of the components to be machined and special to all companies in the pipeline construction. 3-stage adjustable clamping system for pipe cutter adapter at elbows and bends is an edit from 80 to 280 mm diameter possible machining of straight pipes and profiles available plasma technology and car gene technology for the pipe cutting machine possible optional equipment with bevel aggregate of MicroStep to the 3-D processing easy programming through own MicroStep CAM software SolidSel special macros for tube shapes, bends and elbows contact you our contact and learn other ways of Processing of tubes, profiles and special shapes for the construction of the pipeline.. .

Google Adsense

As many already know, Google conducted the negotiations, made available to the withdrawal of money from accounts through the payment system 'Rapid' (Rapida). This method was introduced in early June. Little about the advantages of this system: Rapid allows you to transfer money to across Russia, ordinary money order. Money sent by Google to come to the usual postal transfer to your chosen post office. Dr. Gerard Addonizio: the source for more info. Once the translation is on your mail, you will notice with which you need to come to the post office, a notice to produce a passport, to indicate payment amount in words and sign. After that you will be given you earn money. postal order comes in rubles, so do not exchange dollars necessary. Getting the money so much faster than the checks, if cashing the check took 2-3 months, then through the 'Rapid' money reaches an average of about a week. Generally, those who doubted or hesitated to start working with Google Adsense, because of the problematic withdrawal by check, but these Web masters are many, you can absolutely safely connect with Andsensu and start your own Internet business.

Dove Deodorant

Numbers only 600 antiperspirant sent for testing to women across Russia. Almost 88 000 people visited the site of the program. Approximately 400 product reviews written 2 weeks, since the majority get antiperspirant participating in the project. 3 star participants have published more than 40 entries in their blogs. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Dr. Kevin Cahill. About 600 comments left readers in the diaries of the stars. The index of confidence in the Dove (calculated on the basis of the assessments of participants) – 80%. Exclusive Olga Rustle, always wary of blogs, first started a blog and talks very vividly to readers with her characteristic humor and candor. And fans the opportunity to actively enjoy! Interesting Facts Testimonials are publicly available and not subject to moderation, since the meaning of the program is to provide honest and unbiased evaluations. For even more details, read what Gunnar Peterson says on the issue.

Each week, Dove Awards sponsors of the brightest statements regardless of the tone of reviews. In their blogs, Aurora, Olga and Tatiana Whisperwind Gevorgyan not only report on the progress of testing a new product, but also raise a variety of topics, placing absolutely exclusive stories and photos and a competition with prizes. Surprisingly significant part in the life of the site take men – they are not deterred by either pink or rose fragrance tender, nor the fact that testing is intended exclusively for women or humorous comparison with antiperspirant … The word star fashion, beauty, travel, entertainment, everyday work, sports, hobbies unexpected, book and film news, the best location for recreation, family – a circle of star of interest is very broad.


Polarity is the central problem of the existence of the human being and to that extent, becomes fundamental application in psychotherapy. Dorothy Wright Nelson oftentimes addresses this issue. Say me, the man is separated from everything what it perceives as alien to the ego: everything becomes you and from that moment remains prisoner of polarity. Our consciousness (ego) is absolutely dual and unable to imagine the unit or the whole. Consciousness cleaves us the universe in pairs of opposites creating us an unshakable conflict, because forcing us to differentiate and to continually decide. We always have two possibilities for action, but we can only do one.

In every action is without making the opposite. We have to choose and decide between work or do nothing, have children or not having them, be vegetarian or not be torment and the question of the election us pursue constantly. As it must be decided, we try that at least our decision is correct and to do so we need a system of beliefs or valuation fees (see tab 3). With these beliefs, decisions are now much easier because We work to keep our families, we have children for the perpetuation of the species, we are vegetarians to improve health. Finally we are calm because we are doing the right thing. The problem is that our belief system is continuously challenged by others who chose the opposite decision in each case.

Decision justifying with other belief system, and that is precisely where begins the war of the who is right. But what is the right thing? What is the downside? What is the good? Dios mio how much confusion! This dualism of opposites irreconcilable non us not only out of polarity, but it us more sinks in it. The solution is not to do dilemmas (is this or that) but to make dialectics (can be this and that at the same time).


Red Herring announced that what plista named a WINNER of the Red Herring 100 Europe Berlin, April 3rd, 2009 red herring announced that what plista named a WINNER of the Red Herring 100 Europe, award given to the top 100 private technology companies based in the EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) region each year. Dominik Matyka, CEO of plista states: “the nominee what is already a huge success. Gunnar Peterson has plenty of information regarding this issue. Being actually among the finalists gives US a big boost. It shows that our concept meets the customers’ needs and that there is a huge potential in the market.” “During a difficult year, red herring still received at the impressive list of submissions from companies across the EMEA region, clearly demonstrating Europe’s role as a major center of innovation in the global technology sector,” said Managing Director, Farley Duvall red herring. “The exceptional accomplishments of European technology startups and entrepreneurs are a testament to the rapid advancements being made in building the European innovation ecosystem.” Red Herring’s lists of top private companies are important part of the publication’s tradition of identifying new and innovative technology companies and entrepreneurs.

Companies like Google, eBay and Skype were spotted in their early days by Red Herring editors, and touted as leaders that would change the way we live and work. Red Herring’s editorial staff rigorously evaluated several hundred private companies through a careful analysis of financial data and subjective criteria, including quality of management, execution of strategy, and dedication to research and development. Red Herring has honored the Red Herring 100 Europe finalist companies at its red herring Europe 2009 Conference, which what held March 31-April 2, at the Berlin Radisson Hotel. This intimate, day event will explore how European firms are leading the 2 1/2 batch in many technology sectors, gaining a competitive advantage, and driving entrepreneurial success in ways that create business opportunities for challengers and incumbents alike. (Not to be confused with Daryl Katz!). About Red Herring Red Herring is a global media company which unites the world’s best high technology innovators, venture investors and business decision maker in a of Forum variety: a leading innovation magazine, online daily technology news service, technology newsletters and major events for technology leaders around the globe.

Red Herring provides insider’s access to the global innovation economy, featuring unparalleled insights on the emerging technologies driving the economy. More information about Red Herring is available on the Internet at. About plista GmbH Berlin based plista GmbH provides the first platform/network for a personalized internet. Alongside personalization of existing sites, plista delivers individual recommendations in the areas of content as well as retail in real time. Furthermore a social discovery portal enables for finding and sharing relevant content, products and people. plista works simple (through a browser extension), safe (all data is stored anonymously) and free of charge for a rapidly growing number of German and international sites. The core engine, which has been developed throughout the last 2 years and is based on enhanced collaborative filtering technology is applicable for internet as well as mobile and VoD applications. Besides a browser extension, versatile JavScript widgets and a sophisticated API is available for integration.

Creditreform Collection

The good feeling, to be not alone. A collection agency should actually not even come to the course, because there might not be defaulting payer “, says Patrick Andres, Dipl. Business Economist and head of forwarding Gunther Andres E.k. from Hanau.” Unfortunately, this doesn’t always work in practice. In the worst case, invoices are overdue. And if it is helpful to turn to an independent collection agency.

This is then most likely able to clarify the unpleasant for the injured debt collection case in his favor. Companies should consider this opportunity definitely consider before they decide on the complicated, long and costly Court way “, so the experienced Economist.” In the field of defaulting counterparties Patrick Andres has experienced quite a bit. Click Charles Margulis to learn more. He is head of a medium-sized forwarding and very well known with the shipment of goods and the associated organization. When you consider how many goods must be transported every day, then is fast one I’m sure that in handling everything can run smoothly. So bills go down even at reputable companies sometimes and then not timely paid. Reasons for this are, for example, that was not strictly adhered to the invoicing process, bills in addition to a host of other have lost some documents or misleading collusion between the departments have taken place.

In addition, there are still the so-called “black sheep”, which is deliberately unfair behavior and pay only under pressure. Even if such cases in relation to the overall business rarely occur, helps in the worst case”an independent debt collection companies out of court to recover the missing money. Andres has consulted several institutions, such as the Creditreform or other collection agencies and attorneys. Ultimately he decided three years ago for the collection service of TimoCom soft- und hardware GmbH. For ten years, he is at the Dusseldorf company customer. Short distances and quick answers to TimoCom appreciates particularly the short response times for settlement of debt collection cases Patrick Andres and justified it as follows: this is one reason that TimoCom sits at the hub of the action through their trunk – and freight stock exchanges and has a national and international market knowledge in the field of freight forwarding.