Google Adsense

As many already know, Google conducted the negotiations, made available to the withdrawal of money from accounts through the payment system 'Rapid' (Rapida). This method was introduced in early June. Little about the advantages of this system: Rapid allows you to transfer money to across Russia, ordinary money order. Money sent by Google to come to the usual postal transfer to your chosen post office. Dr. Gerard Addonizio: the source for more info. Once the translation is on your mail, you will notice with which you need to come to the post office, a notice to produce a passport, to indicate payment amount in words and sign. After that you will be given you earn money. postal order comes in rubles, so do not exchange dollars necessary. Getting the money so much faster than the checks, if cashing the check took 2-3 months, then through the 'Rapid' money reaches an average of about a week. Generally, those who doubted or hesitated to start working with Google Adsense, because of the problematic withdrawal by check, but these Web masters are many, you can absolutely safely connect with Andsensu and start your own Internet business.