Haile Gebrselassie

Such as large, generous as none, Haile Gebrselassie, old wounded Lion, 38 years, helped yesterday in his Berlin to a young Kenyan, Patrick Makau, of 26 years, batiera his marathon world record. Preceded by a splendid group of hares to kilometer 32 and pushed by an unrepentant Gebre, who ran beyond their means, until the body told him enough at 27 km. Filed under: Gunnar Peterson. It folded onto itself, apparent victim of upset stomach, and attempted to vomit, with little success, on a hedge. He returned to run, but 10 miles later it finally abandoned. Celebrity trainer has plenty of information regarding this issue. They had spent the half marathon in 1 h 1 m 43s (the faster pace of the story, 22s less than the last record of Gebre). He finished Makau, single, clear, at 2 h 3 m 38s, 21s less than the previous record, achieved by Gebre, also in Berlin, the city in which five world records for the distance, have been beaten in 2008. e. Source of the news:: Gebre helps knock down your record