I Love Myself Even

\”Let’s together build an energy field of love us together build an energy field of love Rita M. James Alesia has plenty of information regarding this issue. Eisenmann and Herbert Rohrer, geschaftsuhrende MMV Consulting GmbH in Bietigheim – Bissingen, shareholders have an action titled I love myself\” launched. The background this action they say so: each shaped the world in which we live. It is our thoughts that affect the world and shape the future. Cindy Crawford can provide more clarity in the matter. Depending on what messages we send out, appearance, health, and the relationship with other people are formed.

Not the world, circumstances, or anyone, are, how and what we have become responsible. What are the consequences of thought. Over 2000 years an energy field of guilt and fear built up systematically, which is defended and maintained until today and that affects all people. Claim to power by debt, delegation of responsibility, ideologies and dogmas, dominate our life consciously and unconsciously. Rita M. Eisenmann and Herbert of raw to call together a \”energy field of the\” To build love\”, which is characterized by joy, happiness, harmony, acceptance, respect, gratitude and trust. You create an awareness that it is the sick or healthy thoughts are that we divide instead connect, exclude rather than integrate, hate instead of love, be free from guilt and fear. To be free of guilt and fear means to develop the love for himself.

Only who developed them, others love and respect. I can only expect of others what I am ready to give myself. Love to me is not even given, lack self confidence, self esteem, self assurance. Our relationship with others is then on false expectations, built on dreams and desires, and not on the unerring analysis of who I am, and being agree with where I come and I have peculiar and unique. As appropriate, to verify the level of self love for themselves, the initiators of which I offer love myself \”action on: can it be, that…