
ustomers and partners benefit from complete transparency of Linz, February 17, 2011 since February the online job portal can be karriere.at as the first Austrian job market of the Austrian WebAnalytics”(OBA) measure in its range and expel. Thus Austria’s leading online job market has an official seal of approval”. This will ensure customers and partners, that the range of their switched job advertisements through valid and comparable data is programmed – and comparable to a premiere at the Austrian job market on the Internet. For karriere.at it was a logical step to leave voluntarily measure the range by the independently acting MANOHAR and expel”, explains managing director Jurgen Smid membership in the Austrian WebAnalytics” and adds: as in all economic sectors is crucial in the area of job boards the comparability of prices in relation with the provided power and confidence in a product. This We see confidence of our customers and partners as a commitment, to ensure maximum transparency in all essential areas. Who invests in job advertisements, because wants also security with regard to the range of display.”stands for optimum range exactly karriere.at 846.938 visits went in January 2011 according to MANOHAR basic on karriere.at.

No more. Not less. And the karriere.at network of approximately 25 high-quality online partners also guarantees further increasing the reach of job ads. MANOHAR comparability of reach is guaranteed declared goal of OBA on the one hand, to collect comparable and objective data to assess the performance of online services, as well as the promotion of the online advertising market. For online media, it is relatively easy to quantify numbers of users by measuring methods as compared to traditional media. But not really given the comparability of different measuring instruments. Since the OBA represents a neutral observation base that enjoys general confidence and “acts according to clearly defined standards that was only logical in our view, our excellent user numbers also by this official, recognized by the advertising industry ranges seal of approval ‘ to confirm”, karriere.at’s Managing Director Jurgen Smid is pleased.

Karriere.at karriere.at (www.karriere.at) is Austria’s leading online portal, when it comes to jobs, career and job opportunities. The basic principle: Thousands of current jobs (www.karriere.at/ jobs) top Austrian companies will be presented the karriere.at users (around 850,000 visits/month). Karriere.at has a quality recruiting network for the targeted approach of the right candidate. Karriere.at reached maximize the number of potential candidates with its job market and the partner pages (E.g. MSN, Wirtschaftsblatt, herold.at, kununu). The idea of the service plays an important role in karriere.