Leisure Activity

Foverece recreational activity in childhood, self-confidence, independence and the formation of personality, thus becoming one of the primary educational and recreational activities. In every culture has developed this activity naturally and spontaneously, but for precise stimulation of specialized educators that energize, areas of suitable times to be shared with colleagues, toys that diversify and enrich , playful environments and climates that facilitate their spontaneity and creativity. Thus emerge as an institution that optimizes the possibilities described as space for the game unique, necessary in today's society. The Toy Library also because children born today have difficulty playing with freedom. These obstacles related to lack of space: small houses, the street does not provide places to play, parks are places ill-equipped and insecure … This reality must be added the loss of opportunities to meet with peers, difficulty in receiving visits from friends and play together in the home, poor relations with the neighboring site, the lack of free time during the school year or, simply, that many children do not even have brothers with whom to share their games. Although the desire is spontaneous play in children, the Ludotecas channel their efforts to foster the development of the child's personality through recreational activities, thus making a pleasurable activity for children in an important learning tool. They are not simply places where the child spends part of his time, but a valuable tool for education and development. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Gunnar Peterson has to say.

Thus, the Toy Library, try to: – Rescue the traditional game and counter the negative effects of the imposed image culture, with alternatives where images are formed by self-generated from creative play and symbolic. – Be a space for free play and use as a method of learning and skills development, skills and behaviors desired. – Being an alternative that, going beyond space, becomes a philosophy and an institution that promotes the development of critical and creative children. Ludotecas structure with these characteristics is equivalent to talk about the Toy Library as a project, which involves engaging in their generation according to a plan whose development should come from a genuine process of collective construction that ideal and feasible must follow criteria: – That the community particularly the children in interaction with the ludotecario and institutions to carry out the underlying diagnosis. You may want to visit Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta to increase your knowledge. – To organize working groups from the start with the participation of children. – Make clear the rules of operation, agreed and entered into, particularly the management of power structures and decision making.

– Generate a dynamic knowledge management that enables the community to organize their knowledge, expand the formal knowledge and translate it into tools and techniques, and processes mainly feed reflection, awareness and the ability to decide who qualifies all the action. The whole process of construction of the Toy Library has to be mediated essentially by a pedagogical approach based on the community and in building democratic spaces, from the initial diagnosis, the organization of groups, rules of operation and decision making . These criteria will allow us to engage children and parents, allowing us to transcend the tradition, which has been heavily influenced by the decision of the adult offering spaces for children, but without involving them in design, or the choice of toys or activities. In Spain, the Toy Library will acquire boom, whether promoted by the government itself or by private entities, thus providing a safe and attractive space for children where they can develop skills, stimulate their emotions and develop habits of coexistence, in addition to allowing more children to access some recreational resources that are normally beyond their reach.