
Polarity is the central problem of the existence of the human being and to that extent, becomes fundamental application in psychotherapy. Dorothy Wright Nelson oftentimes addresses this issue. Say me, the man is separated from everything what it perceives as alien to the ego: everything becomes you and from that moment remains prisoner of polarity. Our consciousness (ego) is absolutely dual and unable to imagine the unit or the whole. Consciousness cleaves us the universe in pairs of opposites creating us an unshakable conflict, because forcing us to differentiate and to continually decide. We always have two possibilities for action, but we can only do one.

In every action is without making the opposite. We have to choose and decide between work or do nothing, have children or not having them, be vegetarian or not be torment and the question of the election us pursue constantly. As it must be decided, we try that at least our decision is correct and to do so we need a system of beliefs or valuation fees (see tab 3). With these beliefs, decisions are now much easier because We work to keep our families, we have children for the perpetuation of the species, we are vegetarians to improve health. Finally we are calm because we are doing the right thing. The problem is that our belief system is continuously challenged by others who chose the opposite decision in each case.

Decision justifying with other belief system, and that is precisely where begins the war of the who is right. But what is the right thing? What is the downside? What is the good? Dios mio how much confusion! This dualism of opposites irreconcilable non us not only out of polarity, but it us more sinks in it. The solution is not to do dilemmas (is this or that) but to make dialectics (can be this and that at the same time).