Professional Product Presentations

360 product views for effective use in e-commerce and sophisticated object productions plasPIX 360 creates real 360-degree views of your products for a high-quality object production and effective e-commerce applications. Almost all motifs, by the delicate diamond earring to the building complex are feasible. The product presentation is especially in e-commerce crucial for sales figures, cost through withdrawal demands, and ultimately also for the satisfaction of your customers. The classic product photos costs 30% under which for the implementation as a 360-degree view despite the fact that arise when the deplacement of animations already high-resolution 2D photos in the average maximum. From 16 individual images, liquid animations are generated using special software – including high-resolution zoom function and newest HotSpot view. Currently over 98% of all Internet users can see the 360 animations in your browser. On the party Web site a price calculator is integrated, with the already a first offer itself can figure out. The products are sent in most cases in our Studio in Berlin.

In large, heavy or fragile motifs, the team with the whole equipment comes to the customers. The insured person roundtrip transportation is already completely included in the price. A survey launched by OZC technologies, according to the sale with the customer satisfaction, through the use of 360-degree product views about increased 40% are. The withdrawal demands even decreased by up to 75%, due to the larger product and detail view. This saves costs and reduces the administrative burden.