Should Parents Read Testimonies

Parents are regularly faced with the problem that they have to deal with their offspring about the evidence notes to preserve family peace at the time of the testimony. Well, if everything is alright; not so good if there are problems. Here are a few tips on how you should read the testimonials: First the testimony gives a clue as to where your child needs help. There is no basis for a penalty. Teachers try an as true picture of the level of performance of the child in the form of a certificate type. Because teachers are people too, a testimony is no objective, absolutely reliable diagnosis.

The testimony brings the pain from which your child has shown over a half a year, on the point because it is important and should be treated not as a piece of paper, that’s hardly worth. The certificate gives you a means to still get to know your child and to pursue its development outside the family. Please judge your child not only according to his notes. Take out also on the day of testimony sufficiently much time to discuss the testimony in detail together with their child. Arrange a date at which this is possible. A conversation between door and Angel is not helpful. Also, if parents should be not discouraged, if their children are, to speak with you.

Sometimes, simple door openers are suitable to come into the conversation with the child: want to tell what was going on in school? “, want to talk about what’s bothering you?” maybe it helps, that talk to you, what bothers you! “.” The willingness of kids to entertain, with their parents depends on the confidence that they have to you. You must be sure to accept their pronouncements without criticism, indignation, blame, or threat. “If the conversation then took place in a relaxed, respectful atmosphere, it is time to take stock: where can, for example, with tutoring, improved” be? Meeting You decided to take tutoring in claim, together with your child! Just so, tutoring efforts will be crowned by success. Then you should sometimes be looking after a suitable tutor where the search after tutoring experience in major cities lighter gestaltet-such as tutoring in Hamburg.