Turnaround: Gas Prices Draw Again In 2010

Prices for end customers 2009 to a total of 23 percent dropped / rising prices when the oil has gas prices under pressure Berlin, February 25, 2010 after a continuous decline in gas prices last year millions of consumers in Germany must resume currently on rising costs for gas supply. Already in January and February price increases at around 90 companies indicated a general turnaround in gas prices. This development will continue in the spring. So toptarif.de more 41 announced according to current research of the independent consumer portals gas suppliers price increases in March and April by an average of 6.8 percent. Low oil prices and weak dollar resulted in 2009 falling gas prices during the past year and also during the current heating period the gas customers have can benefit from the effects of the economic crisis,\”energy expert Thorsten Bohg explained by toptarif.de. In particular the low oil prices in the first half of the year 2009 and the weak Dollars were squeezed by gas prices within the framework of the oil binding strongly down.\” So was the price of gas for consumers about 750 regional gas basic utilities in the course of the year to an average of 23 percent in the most modest of choice. The price of oil currently driving cost factor rallies since the beginning of the year but observed a moderate rise in the gas prices\”, so Bohg. Despite large amounts of gas on the international spot markets and a weakening of oil prices binding in the long term supply contracts between E.ON Ruhrgas and Gazprom remains the dominant factor in the pricing of the gas oil and fuel oil prices for the time being.\” Therefore get many gas consumers to feel the doubling of oil prices since summer 2009. Look at the announced price increases in the spring will need in a four-person household with an annual consumption of 20,000 kWh gas with additional costs of an average 87 euros, in the tip even from 167 euros.